Rachit Technology 应用

Data Protection Act 1998 1.02
The Data Protection Act 1998 is an Act ofParliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland which defines UK law on the processing of data onidentifiable living people. It is the main piece of legislationthat governs the protection of personal data in the UK."Data Protection Act 1998" is FREE APP providing detailedSection-wise and Chapter-wise information of The Data ProtectionAct of UK.App Features--Complete 'Data Protection Act' in digital format. Once downloadeddoesn't require internet connection to read the act.-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 1st May2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now save notes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.The Data Protection Act 1998 website :http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/contentsFor any technical queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Water Act 1974 2.14
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 - Indian LawBare Act App
Depositories Act 1996 1.02
Depositories Act provides for the regulationof depositories in securities and matters connected there with inIndia.Depositories Act provides for registration of depositories from theSecurities and Exchange Board of India (Board).The enactment of Depositories Act in August 1996 paved the wayfor establishment of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL),the first depository in India. It went on to establishedinfrastructure based on international standards that handles mostof the securities held and settled in de-materialised form in theIndian capital markets.App Features-- Complete 'Depositories Act, 1996' in digital format. Doesn'trequire internet connection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 4 April2015 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,search note, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethis feature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.NSDL Website - https://nsdl.co.in/For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/Rachit-Technologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Daily Gautama Buddha Quotes 4.46
Gautama Buddha Quotes: Buddhist Inspirational Teachings: 75Languages with Audio
Sexual Harassment at Workplace 1.02
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is a legislativeact in India that seeks to protect women from sexual harassment attheir place of work. It was passed by the Lok Sabha (the lowerhouse of the Indian Parliament) on 3 September 2012. It was passedby the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of the Indian Parliament) on 26February 2013. The Bill got the assent of the President on 23 April2013. The Act came into force from 9 December 2013"The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013" is FREE APP providing detailSection-wise and Chapter-wise information on Sexual Harassment atWorkplace in India.App Features-- Complete 'The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013' in digitalformat. Doesn't require internet connection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 5 May2015 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,search note, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethis feature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.IndiaCode Website : http://indiacode.nic.in/acts-in-pdf/142013.pdfFor any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/Rachit-Technologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Consumer Credit Act 1974 1.02
The Consumer Credit Act 1974 is an Act of theParliament of the United Kingdom that significantly reformed thelaw relating to consumer credit within the United Kingdom. The Actwas amended by the Consumer Credit Act 2006."Consumer Credit Act 1974" is FREE APP providing detailedSection-wise and Chapter-wise information of The Consumer CreditAct of UK.App Features--Complete 'Consumer Credit Act 1974' in digital format. Oncedownloaded doesn't require internet connection to read theact.-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 13 May2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now save notes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Consumer Credit Act 1974 website : http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1974/39/contentsFor any technical queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rachit-Technology/736431246370714https://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 1.02
The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 is a UnitedStates federal law that set requirements for all U.S. publiccompany boards, management and public accounting firms. Act coverresponsibilities of a public corporation’s board of directors, addscriminal penalties for certain misconduct, and required theSecurities and Exchange Commission to create regulations to definehow public corporations are to comply with the law."The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002" is FREE APP providing detailedSection-wise and Chapter-wise information of The Sarbanes–Oxley Actof USA.App Features--Complete 'The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002' in digital format. Oncedownloaded doesn't require internet connection to read theact.-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27 June2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now save notes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any technical queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/Rachit-Technologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Undisclosed Foreign Income act 1.02
Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income andAssets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 (popularly Black Money Act)is an Act of the Parliament of India. It aims to curb black money,or undisclosed foreign assets and income and imposes tax andpenalty on such income. It come's into effect from 1 April 2016App Features-- Complete 'Undisclosed Foreign Income act' in digital format.Doesn't require internet connection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 1 June2015 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,search note, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethis feature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/Rachit-Technologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The National Food Security Act 1.01
The National Food Security Act, 2013 (alsoRight to Food Act) is an Act of the Parliament of India which aimsto provide subsidized food grains to approximately two thirds ofIndia's 1.2 billion people. It was signed into law on September 12,2013, retroactive to July 5, 2013.App Features-- Complete 'The National Food Security Act, 2013' in digitalformat. Doesn't require internet connection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 1November 2015 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,search note, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethis feature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/pages/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Hindu Adoption-Maintenance Act 2.14
HAMA 1956 - Indian Law Bare Act App, works Offline
The Maharashtra Tax Act 1987 1.01
"The Maharashtra Tax on Entry of MotorVehicles into Local Areas Act, 1987" extends to the whole of theState of Maharashtra, shall be deemed to have come into force onthe 30th day of September 1987.App Features--Complete "The Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles intoLocal Areas Act, 1987" in digital format. Doesn't require internetconnection to view them-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now save notes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Mahavat.gov.in website - http://mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/GetDataAction?option=Motor%20Vehicle%20Entry%20Tax%20Act%20%28E.T.%20Act%29For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Maharashtra State Tax Act 1975 1.01
"The Maharashtra State Tax on Professions,Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1975" extends to the whole ofthe State of Maharashtra, It shall be deemed to have come intoforce on the 1st day of April 1975.App Features--Complete "The Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades,Callings and Employments Act, 1975" in digital format. Doesn'trequire internet connection to view them-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keyword withinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now save notes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Mahavat.gov.in website - http://mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/GetDataAction?option=Profession%20Tax%20Act#For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Amazing Puzzles - (BrainGames) 3.12
10 Unique and Addictive Mind Reading Tricks!!!!
Whistle Blowers Protection Act 1.01
The Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011 isanAct of the Parliament of India which provides a mechanismtoinvestigate alleged corruption and misuse of power bypublicservants and also protect anyone who exposes allegedwrongdoing ingovernment bodies, projects and offices. Thewrongdoing might takethe form of fraud, corruption ormismanagement. The Act will alsoensure punishment for false orfrivolous complaints.App Features-- Complete 'The Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2011' indigitalformat. Doesn't require internet connection to viewthem- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1November 2015 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/pages/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Maharashtra Sugarcane Act1962 1.01
"The Maharashtra Purchase Tax on SugarcaneAct,1962" extends to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.App Features--Complete "The Maharashtra Purchase Tax on Sugarcane Act,1962"in digital format. Doesn't require internet connection toviewthem-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now savenotes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In ordertouse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Mahavat.gov.in website - http://mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/GetDataAction?option=Sugarcane%20Purchase%20ActFor any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
SSY Guruvani: quotes of wisdom 4.23
SSY Guruvani: Inspirational thoughts / quotes by Guruji Shri RishiPrabhakar
Plantations Labour Act, 1951 1.01
In 1951, the Indian Parliament passedthePlantations Labour Act which sought to provide for the welfareoflabour and to regulate the conditions of workers inplantations.Under this law, the State Governments have beenempowered to takeall feasible steps to improve the lot of theplantation workers.App Features--Complete "Plantations Labour Act" in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to view them-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now savenotes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In ordertouse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Employment Rights Act 1996 1.02
The Employment Rights Act 1996 is aUnitedKingdom Act of Parliament"Employment Rights Act 1996" is FREE APP providingdetailedSection-wise and Chapter-wise information of EmploymentRights Act1996 of UK.App Features--Complete 'Employment Rights Act 1996' in digital format.Oncedownloaded doesn't require internet connection to readtheact.-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 17May2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now savenotes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In ordertouse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Employment Rights Act 1996 website : http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/18/contentsFor any technical queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Indian PinCode 1.00
"The Indian PinCode" is FREE APPprovidingdetail information of all Indian Pin Code.App Features-- Detailed Information of All Indian Pin Codes ( Data updated asofFeb-29-2016 )- Single View to get all Pin Codes and contact numbers- Works without Internet- Completely FREE- Share feature to share pincode information on Whatsapp, webore-mail.- Add selected post office to Favourite for quick view.- Shows detail information of Postal code- Advanced Search feature let's you search on any field like- e.g. of Search . Search for keyword '411004' will listalllocations with pincode 411004.IndiaPost.gov.in website : http://www.indiapost.gov.in/pincodesearch.aspxFor any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Census Act 1948 1.00
The Census Act, 1948 lays down that servicesofany citizen can be requisitioned for census work andtakesobligatory on every person occupying a house, enclosure etc.toallow access to census officers, and to allow them to paint onoraffix to the place such letters, marks or numbers as maybenecessary for census purposes.App Features-- Complete 'The Census Act, 1948' in digital format. Doesn'trequireinternet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Census India Website : http://censusindia.gov.in/2011-Act&Rules/index.htmlFor any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
PCA Act 1960 1.74
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 :PCA Act 1960 :Indian LawBare Act App
App For Kids - Learn Alphabets 3.35
Learning Alphabets, Numbers, Colours & Shapes, is fun n easywith this tool.
SEBI ESOP Guidelines 1999 1.00
App Features-- Complete 'SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and EmployeeStockPurchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 19Feb2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.SEBI Website : http://www.sebi.gov.in/guide/guide9.htmlFor any queries, write to us at: contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Maharashtra Rent Control Act 2.14
Maharashtra Rent Control Act 1999 : Indian Law Bare Act App,Offline App
Anti-Superstition Act 2013 1.00
The Maharashtra Prevention and EradicationofHuman Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori PracticesandBlack Magic Act, 2013 is a criminal law act for the stateofMaharashtra, India.The act criminalises practices related toblackmagic, human sacrifices, use of magic remedies to cureailments andother such acts which exploit people's superstitions.App Features-- Complete 'The Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication ofHumanSacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices andBlackMagic Act, 2013' in digital format. Doesn't requireinternetconnection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 19Feb2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Indian Telegraph Act 1885 2.14
Indian Telegraph Act 1885 , works Offline
TPA - The Prisoners Act 1900 1.00
TPA - The Prisoners Act 1900 an Acttoconsolidate the law relating to Prisoners confined by order ofaCourt in India.App Features-- Complete 'TPA - The Prisoners Act 1900' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Dock Workers Safety Act 1.01
The Dock Workers (Safety, Health andWelfare)Act, 1986 An Act to provide for the safety, health andwelfare ofdock workers and for matters connected therewith. Be itenacted byParliament in the Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic ofIndiaApp Features--Complete "The Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare)Act,1986" in digital format. Doesn't require internet connectiontoview them-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now savenotes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In ordertouse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Interest Tax Act 1974 1.00
The Interest Tax Act 1974 is an Actthatimposes a special tax on interest accrued in specified cases.TheAct applies to the whole of India, including all the StatesandUnion Territories with no exceptions.App Features-- Complete 'The Interest Tax Act 1974' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Income Tax IndiaWebsite:http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/pages/acts/interest-tax-act.aspxFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Architects Act 1972 1.00
The Architects Act, 1972 providesforregistration of Architects, standards of education,recognizedqualifications and standards of practice to be compliedwith by thepractising architects. The Council of Architecture (COA)is a bodycorporate by the Government of India under the provisionsof theArchitects Act, 1972, enacted by the Parliament of India,whichcame into force on 1 September 1972.App Features-- Complete 'The Architects Act, 1972' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Press Council Act 1978 1.00
The Press Council Act 1978 An Act toestablisha Press Council for the purpose of preserving the freedomof thePress and of maintaining and improving the standards ofnewspapersand news agencies in India.App Features-- Complete 'The Press Council Act 1978' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Press Council Website:http://presscouncil.nic.in/OldWebsite/act.htmFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Prevention of Terrorism Act 1.00
The Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002(POTA)was an Act passed by the Parliament of India in 2002, withtheobjective of strengthening anti-terrorism operations. The Actwasenacted due to several terrorist attacks that were beingcarriedout in India and especially in response to the attack ontheParliament. The Act replaced the Prevention of TerrorismOrdinance(POTO) of 2001 and the Terrorist and DisruptiveActivities(Prevention) Act (TADA) , and was supported by thegoverningNational Democratic Alliance.App Features-- Complete 'Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002' in digitalformat.Doesn't require internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Agriculturists Loans Act 1884 1.00
The Agriculturists Loans Act, 1884 wasenactedby the British Government and passed by the Governor-GeneralinCouncil on July 24, 1884 with the intent to modify and extendtheNorthern India Takkavi Act, 1879. The Act came into force onAugust1, 1884.The Act aims to consolidate the legal principlesgoverningthe progression and recovery of Takkavi loans foragriculturalneeds.App Features-- Complete 'The Agriculturists Loans Act, 1884' in digitalformat.Doesn't require internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Tobacco Board Act 1975 1.00
The Tobacco Board Act 1975 was enacted bytheIndian Parliament in the 26th year of republic of Indiaandassented by the President of India on 19th day of March, 1975.TheObject and purposes for which the provisions thereof areprovidedis to develop the Tobacco industry under the control ofUnion ofIndia.App Features-- Complete 'The Tobacco Board Act 1975' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Tobacco Board Website:http://tobaccoboard.com/bactivities.phpFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Maharashtra Medical Act 1961 1.00
The Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act1961,contains provisions for registration and enlistment ofmedicalpractitioners.App Features-- Complete 'The Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act 1961'indigital format. Doesn't require internet connection toviewthem- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 19Feb2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Maharashtra Housing Act 2012 1.00
India - Maharashtra Housing (RegulationandDevelopment) Act, 2012 FREE App Works Without InternetApp Features-- Complete 'Maharashtra Housing (Regulation and Development)Act,2012' in digital format. Doesn't require internet connectiontoread the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Maharashtra Housing Website:https://housing.maharashtra.gov.in/For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Additional Duties of ExciseAct 1.00
Additional Duties of Excise TextilesandTextile Articles Act, 1978 was enacted on December 6, 1978 withanintention to impose and collection of extra excise duties onsometextiles as well as other textile commodities.App Features-- Complete 'Additional Duties of Excise Textiles andTextileArticles Act, 1978' in digital format. Doesn't requireinternetconnection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Citizenship Act 1955 2.14
Citizenship Act 1955 : Indian Law Bare Act App, works Offline
The Personal Injuries Act 1963 1.01
The Personal Injuries (CompensationInsurance)Act, 1963 enacted as the employer must hold the liabilityandresponsibility to pay the compensation to the employee asworkmenwhere the workmen sustained personal injuries in the courseofemployment and employer has to provide workmen theinsuranceagainst the liability.App Features-- Complete 'The Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance)Act,1963' in digital format. Doesn't require internet connectiontoview them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1November 2015 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.india.gov.in website-http://india.gov.in/personal-injuries-compensation-insurance-act-1963For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/pages/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Bureau Of Indian Regulations 1.00
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) isthenational Standards Body of India working under the aegisofMinistry of Consumer Affairs, Food & PublicDistribution,Government of India. It is established by the Bureauof IndianStandards Act, 1986 which came into effect on 23 December1986.App Features-- Complete 'THE BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS (RECRUITMENTTOLABORATORY TECHNICAL POSTS) REGULATIONS, 2007' in digitalformat.Doesn't require internet connection to view them- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 19Feb2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.BIS Website - http://www.bis.org.in/bs/labo.htmFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Public Provident Fund Act 1.00
The Public Provident Fund Act, 1968 - An Acttoprovide for the institution of a provident fund for thegeneralpublic in IndiaApp Features-- Complete 'The Public Provident Fund Act, 1968' in digitalformat.Doesn't require internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Income Tax India Website:http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/Pages/acts/public-provident-fund-act.aspxFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Life Insurance Corporation Act 1.00
The Life Insurance Corporation Act1956provides for the establishment of the Life InsuranceCorporation ofIndia which shall start functioning on September 1,1956. TheCorporation shall have the status of a body corporatewithcontinuous succession, common seal and the power to purchase,holdand sell off property and shall have the right to litigate.App Features-- Complete 'The Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956' indigitalformat. Doesn't require internet connection to read theact- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Lic India Website:https://www.licindia.in/Hindi/images/licact.pdfFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
India - The Aadhaar Act 2016 1.00
The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of FinancialandOther Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 aims toprovidelegal backing to the Aadhaar unique identification numberproject.App Features-- Complete 'The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial andOtherSubsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016' in digitalformat.Doesn't require internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.Unique Identification Authority of India website-https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Anand Marriage Act 1909 1.00
The Anand Marriage Act, 1909 was passed in1909by the Imperial (i. e. Governor-General's) Legislative Counciltoestablish legal "validity of the marriage ceremony common amongtheSikhs called Anand.App Features-- Complete 'The Anand Marriage Act, 1909' in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read the act- View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of 27March2016 )- Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter- Ability to view Favourite sections- Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save note,searchnote, share note with friends/colleagues ). In order to usethisfeature user need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Expenditure Tax Act 1987 100
"The Expenditure-Tax Act 1987" is FREEAPPproviding detail Section-wise and Chapter-wise information onTheExpenditure-Tax Act 1987. The Expenditure Tax Act, 1987 is anActof the Parliament of India. It applies to any charges incurredbyan individual and in the event that these charges are implied tobechargeable expenditure.App Features--Complete The Expenditure-Tax Act 1987 in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read details once appisdownloaded-View data section wise / Chapter wise-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save notes,searchnotes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse thisfeature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Income Tax India website-http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/pages/acts/expenditure-tax-act.aspxFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Maharashtra Tax on LuxuriesAct 1.01
"The Maharashtra Tax on Luxuries Act, 1987"actmay be called the Maharashtra Tax on Luxuries and tax by way ofcesson other facilities, services, enjoyments, utilities,consumption,etc. Act, 1987.It extends to the whole of State ofMaharashtra,Itshall come into force on 1st day of January, 1988.App Features--Complete "The Maharashtra Tax on Luxuries Act, 1987" indigitalformat. Doesn't require internet connection to viewthem-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now savenotes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In ordertouse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Mahavat.gov.in website-http://mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/GetDataAction?option=Luxury%20Tax%20Act#For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
The Pharmacy Act 1948 1.01
"The Pharmacy Act 1948" An Act to regulatetheprofession of pharmacy. Whereas it is expedient to makebetterprovision for the regulation of the profession and practiseofpharmacy and for that purpose to constitute Pharmacy Councils;ThePharmacy Council of India (PCI) is the statutory body ofgovernmentof India constituted under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. TheCouncil wasfirst constituted on 4 March 1948. The Pharmacy Councilof India isconstituted by central government every five years.App Features--Complete "The Pharmacy Act 1948" in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to view them-View data section wise / Chapter wise (Data updated as of1stNovember 2015 )-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can now savenotes,search notes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In ordertouse this feature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.For any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Banking Cash Transaction Tax 100
"Banking Cash Transaction Tax" is FREEAPPproviding detail Section-wise and Chapter-wise informationonBanking Cash Transaction Tax.Banking Cash Transaction Tax(BCTT)was a tax on withdrawal of cash from banks in India from2005-2009.The Indian government had introduced 0.1 per cent BCCT in2005 oncash withdrawals of more than Rs 50,000 (individuals) andRs1,00,000 for others in a single day from non-savings bankaccountmaintained with any scheduled bank. This tax was withdrawnwitheffect from 1 April 2009.App Features--Complete Banking Cash Transaction Tax in digital format.Doesn'trequire internet connection to read details once appisdownloaded-View data section wise / Chapter wise-Advanced User friendly Search for any keywordwithinsection/chapter-Ability to maintain Favourite sections-Ability to add notes to each section ( Users can save notes,searchnotes, share notes with friends/colleagues ). In order touse thisfeature you need to Buy via Google Checkout.Income Tax India website-http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/pages/acts/banking-cash-transaction-tax.aspxFor any queries, write to usat:contactus@rachittechnology.comFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/RachitTechnologyhttps://twitter.com/RachitTech
Thought Of The Day: Fab Quotes 4.45
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Numbers And You - Numerology 3.4
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